Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Teacup Poodle Guideline 21: Unusual Feces of Teacup Dogs

Answer to the previous episode: 
Read Teacup Poodle Ep.20 (Daily Prevention to Parasite)
owners are recommended to shower their pets once every 7 days to 1 week
to eliminate the possibility of  parasite attacks to the minimum.
(^.^did you guess it right?)
my newly brought home teacup puppy is having some sort of
trouble with his/her digestion system that his/her feces
often appears to be soft and liquidish.

is it some kind of intolerance to a particular type of food
or because of other reasons?

is it normal for teacup puppies's feces to be like that?

Teacup Poodle Guideline 21: Unusual Feces of Teacup Dogs
as teacup puppies' digestion system is still going through the
development process, it is perfectly normal for their feces
appear to be soft and wet.
take away health-related illness possibilities,
it can also be because of the existence of ___?___.

Teddy Mommy recommends teacup puppy owners to
take their pets to vetniary clinic for regular health check-ups
with the help of monthly anti-parasite medications.

however if the feces appear to be liquidish constantly for too long
along with obvious symptoms of decrease in appetite and loss of energy,
if the condition gets worse, it's best to check in your teacup puppy
to the hospital for further examination.

Take a guess at  ( ? ) . Answers will be given on the next episode.
Reference Sources:

Official Website: YouLong Poodle Breeding Center

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