Thursday, June 12, 2014

Teacup Poodle (Teddy Bear) Life and Death Guideline 5: Age Estimation: Extras

stay tuned for more info about the
Life and Death Guidelines about
Teacup Poodles  (aka Teddy Bears).


everyone is welcome to share with us your unique
life experiences in owning  a Teacup Poodle.

click to read previous episode:
Teacup Poodle (Teddy Bear) Life and Death
Guideline 4: Age Estimation Step Three: Nails

most owners, who have spent enough quality time with their
Teacup Poodles (Teddy Bears), know their beloved pets thoroughly,
from their actual date of birth, to temperaments and even
down to every of their individual personal preferences.
but what if the Teacup Poodle (Teddy Bear) was adopted
at an unknown age? or found on the streets by surprise?
with no solid, trust-worthy background history references to track,
how are we, as their new owners, supposed to estimate correctly
what age those Teacup Poodles (Teddy Bears) are at? 

Teacup Poodle (Teddy Bear) Life and Death
Guideline 5: Age Estimation: Extras

the aging signs of Teacup Poodles (Teddy Bears),
apart from changes in their teeth, eyes and nails,
it will also appear on their other physical traits
as well as their physical movements. for example,
the flexibility and shininess of their skin, hair colour and
the hair around their mouth too vary with their ages.

when a Teacup Poodle (Teddy Bear) is considered as being "old",
you'd probably notice the increase of white hair around their mouth,
and the slowness in their movements; that's because they are
entering their silver age and that their overall reactions
aren't as efficient as before anymore.

and while an elder Teacup Poodle is getting up or walking around,
you can see the flexibility and tightness of their joints
appear to be very stiff  and unnatural compared to puppies.

Reference Sources:

Official Website:
YouLong Poodle Breeding Center

Teddy Mommy's Other Blogs...

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