Thursday, April 3, 2014

Teacup Poodle Guideline 9: Constipation of Teacup Dogs

 Answer to the previous episode:
 Read Teacup Poodle Ep.8 (Ep.8  Nutrition Supply: DO's and DON'Ts) 

 if a teacup dog consumes a lot more than the calcium supply
he/she is supposed to have, during his/her early
physical development stage, that is before one year old,
it's highly likely that they are going to have a
premature bone development
(^.^did you guess it right?)

is very important for teacup dogs to digest normally and regularly
and the owner has the responsibility to keep an eye on their stools
as those are direct reflections of the teacup dogs' health conditions.
when the stools appear to be different from usual the owner
needs to review the food their teacup dogs have been
consuming recently in order to find out what's been changed.

Teacup Poodle Guideline 9: Constipation of Teacup Dogs

just like humans, teacup dogs can suffer from constipation as well,
and it is totally fine for any of you to contact Teddy Mommy
for help and professional advice if your teacup dog has the same problem too. 

 take away constipation caused by biological diseases, 
it is most probably because of what they eat.

solutions? initially, observe the diet habits of your teacup dogs very carefully 
to find out if he/she is not drinking enough water; 
other reasons may be your teacup dog's been eating too much
 ___ ?___ types of food outside his/her normal dog food.

Take a guess at  ( ? ) . Answers will be given on the next episode.

Official Website: YouLong Poodle Breeding Center

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